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2 Translation results for appeal in Spanish

verb | noun

appeal verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
appealed, has appealed, is appealing, appeals

Example sentences of
appeal verb

  • music that appeals to a wide variety of people
  • The government appealed for calm.
  • desperate people who are appealing for help
  • The government appealed to the people to stay calm.
  • He appealed, arguing that there was not enough evidence to convict him.
  • She lost the case and appealed the following month.
  • We plan to appeal the court's decision.
  • The ruling can be appealed within 30 days.

appeal noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
apelación (en derecho); ruego, suplica; atracción, atractivo, interés

Example sentences of
appeal noun

  • The mayor made an appeal to the people of the city to stay calm.
  • His appeals to his father for money were ignored.
  • We made a donation during the school's annual appeal.
  • She helped to organize an appeal on behalf of the homeless.
  • My lawyer said the court's decision wasn't correct and that we should file for an appeal.
  • Her jokes are quickly losing their appeal.
  • the wide appeal of the artist's work

Synonyms of
appeal noun

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good day
buenas noches
buen día
bien pensado
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Reverse translation for appeal

apelar  - to appeal 
apelación  (en derecho) - appeal (in court) 
ruego  - request, appeal, plea 
suplica  - plea, entreaty 
atracción  - attraction, (slang) the hots 
atractivo  - attraction, appeal, charm 
interés  - interest